Monday, April 22, 2013

Fading summer

I visited Tasmania in February, and today I got a roll of film developed which is mostly shots I took over there.
I especially love the photo of the cemetery.  It's hard to infuse that kind of gothic subject with playfulness, but the picturesque background of rolling hills and fluffy clouds kind of  plays off the darkness nicely. Also, I love reading the epitaphs in cemeteries.

View from MONA



Kingston Beach, Tasmania
Kingston Beach

Kingston Beach, Tasmania
Kingston Beach

Cemetery, Richmond Tasmania
Cemetery, Richmond

Bookshop, Mornington
Second hand bookshop, Mornington Victoria

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Alternative processes and journalling

Well finally I get around to posting some of those things I've scanned! I've been experimenting with some 'alternate processes' which, really, is all chemical processing these days if you ask me because who still prints in the darkroom? Very few people, that's who.
Anyway, the first ones are cyanotypes, and the others are instant film image transfers. In between them are some random journal pages. My image transfer technique needs some improvements (or a lot of improvements) but word on the internet seems to be that fuji instant film just doesn't compare with polaroid when it comes to images transfers. SIGH. They didn't scan too well either, which is probably because I fail at scanning. It's funny how scanning makes some things look better than in real life (snapshot film prints, collages) and some things look worse (see example below).

Wigwam Motel
Wigwam motel, San Bernardino

The Heidelberg Project
The Heidelberg Project, Detroit

Phillip Island
Phillip Island

journal page

journal page
(quote from My So-Called Life)

journal page

journal page
Accompanying this quote by Ira Glass is the first ever cyanotype I made, about 4 years ago from a crappy kit I bought online.

journal page
These are quotes transcribed from an article I really like written by Martin McKenzie-Murray called 'We can communicate clearly, but who listens anyway?'
Mentone Beach
Mentone Beach

Santa Monica Pier
Santa Monica pier