Sunday, November 27, 2011

The end/beginning

So this is it. Study is complete, folios are finished, final grades are decided upon and the 'real world' awaits.

Now, blogging is something that should be done to establish an online presence instead of something that is done to procrastinate or to fill the time at 4am when you can't sleep. Except that phrases like 'establish an online presence' make me cringe.

But hey, I started this so I could shamelessly talk about myself and my photography. So, click here! And follow me! And stay tuned for updates on my forthcoming website!

Here are two photos I took at a laundromat in Abbotsford last week.

1 comment:

  1. i like your photos very much - particularly the shadows in the first one. am i weird thinking laundromats are off-kilter romantic?
