Saturday, August 24, 2013


Today was one of those days which leave you feeling like everything is beautiful and anything is possible, and you are exactly who you're meant to be and you're doing exactly what you're meant to be doing.

Sorry, that just got sappy. But it's been a pretty emotionally draining kind of day.

So, today I went to Rookie day. I'm not even going to try to put into words what it was like right now, instead I'm just gonna post some images which hopefully form some kind of record of the experience.







(Back story: I'm trying to collect lists for a zine I'm making at the moment. Seeing as I technically want them all to be mailed to me by people who randomly get an envelope, I probably won't use this one in the zine so I'm just posting it here instead)




  1. Oh my gosh you went to Rookie day?! Amazing!! I saw a post about it on Minna's blog and it looked perfect and beautiful in every way <3 Sadly I live in England so no Rookie happenings sobsob but the photos online for their events always look so joyful and otherworldly :)) xxx

  2. I like these collages :) AH I'm so jealous about rookie!! Everyone looks insanely cool at those things. There are never any where I live :/ but there is facebook group in my area and we get together sometimes!

    1. One of the best things about that day (in fact maybe THE best thing) was meeting the other Rookies who live in Melbourne and getting to feel connected to them and to this whole web of people who are really amazing. So even though all the other stuff was incredible and inspiring, you still have a very cool thing going on when you meet up with the people in your area!
